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Tips On How To Get Through High School Gen Z Edition

Welcome back to another blog, this time with a personal advice for you all my guys that are going through or just started High School, i know it is a really cute and hard season of our lifes so i want to share with you all some advices and tips, hope you all like it <3


1. Keep Focus

This is one of the most important factors in achieving academic success as well as success in any other endeavor you wish to pursue.


- It has a calming effect.

- Workload is divided.

- It helps to develop self-discipline.

- It aids in the prevention of procrastination.

- It's far preferable to cramming at the end of the school year.

- Throughout the process, you notice improved results.

- It helps you to feel more confident.

- Just go ahead and do it!

- Attend your courses as scheduled and take notes as you go.

- Revise on a frequent basis (best if you do daily and when you are done with the chapter revise it weekly).

- No matter how much time passes, there is no better time to begin than now.

- Finish up the tasks before the due date for submission.

As an added bonus, here is a technique you may apply with your studies: Every day, make a list of the things that need to be done. Set a deadline and make every effort to complete it by that time. Try to complete my study work by noon (8 hours of study per day is a reasonable goal, I believe...) and then continue with other things that I like doing (for example-writing what you are reading). This way, I finish my job, feel accomplished, and have time to do something "extra" apart from my academics. You have to give it a go!

2. Put your phone down and study for real, you can follow this tips :

These are an excellent method to improve your marks in a strategic manner while also forcing you to sit down and study. Following is a list of some of my favorite research methods:

- An Efficient Technique: I cannot emphasize enough how effective this technique is! It is my honest belief that if you are a student and you are not using this technique, you are at a disadvantage.

What you really do here is study for a period of time, take a brief break, and then repeat the process a couple of times more.

People engage in it at different times of the day. The most simple is to study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break; another is to study for 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break (this one is my personal favorite). You have the option of adjusting the length to your liking.

- The Teaching Technique: This works really well and will help you break the forgetting curve. (don’t know what it means? you can always search it up or ask me in the comments, hehe;)

What it is? : Using this method, you teach someone about a topic they don’t know about. You can just pretend that you are actually teaching someone(living or an object). Tell them about everything you know about the subject order-wise. You can use a blank sheet of paper to do so, and when you are done simply match it with your notes and pay attention to any gaps or mistakes. Easy right?

It actually makes your brain work as you remember the stuff you learned and this information will last longer in your head up there.

3. Taking Notes Kinda BuJo

When it comes to studying, one of the first things that comes to mind is the practice of taking notes.

School life brings about significant changes, and as a result, the manner by which you take notes should be updated accordingly. I suggest that you take notes during your courses rather than afterwards since writing notes later may be a hassle and takes more time than taking notes during class.

So, in order to save you time while still allowing you to be productive and comprehend what you are studying, I recommend the following methods:

You may use Cornell notes to help you improve your marks by doing your homework in a systematic and organized manner.

The notes can look like this:

If you intend to take Cornell notes while attending the class, you should skip filling out the summary section for the time being (to save time). When you edit your paper, you may summarize the page note you made.

Cornell note-taking is not just a very effective method of taking excellent notes in class, but it is also ideal for test preparation.

For those who don't want to bother with taking notes, Active Recall is the technique for them. Just kidding(hehe),

however you can use this technique for that as well as for editing or when you're in a rush (as long as you're not in a hurry).

What exactly is it, exactly? Nothing complicated, just make a list of all the potential questions about the subject (whether they come up in class or not) and answer them later on your own initiative. Active recall is a term used to describe how creating a question bank helps your brain actively remember what you've learnt; this is why it's named "Active Recall." Here are some illustrations that you may use as a guide.

4. Keep your mind and spaces the cleanest possible

On a scale of one to ten, how much organization do you require? : 1000/10.

Maintaining a clean and tidy environment not only encourages you to study, but it also assists you in concentrating and allowing your brain to work more effectively.

Apart from that, being organized is the current aesthetic vibe :) .

5. Be smart with your work

While it's true that hard effort pays off and that it's essential for any kind of success, combining it with a little bit of foresight can get you some extra points ;)

The following are examples of smart work:

You will learn how to save time and effort by following the advice I have just given you and visiting the websites I will provide you with.

It is a misconception that in order to be successful, you must always pick the most difficult task. We believe that in order to improve, we must perform the most difficult task, but this is not true. Select the options that are easy or difficult for you, or choose what you want and make it simple for yourself.

Study music is an added bonus, since music can be a helpful tool while studying, and if some study music may offer a little assistance, then what's wrong with that? Please visit my YouTube channel at: Dreamnight Rhythm is a place where you may find the best music to study or just spend time listening to good songs <3 (it would be so nice of you to support me there :)

I hope this has been of use to you today, and please let me know if you need any further information or clarification on anything.


Thanks for being here ! I really appreciate it.

See you all soon <3


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