I personally enjoy a lot all that stories that are inspired in summer so i really liked this new story, hope you like it too <3
Season Changing
My closest buddy and I went through a lot of different friendship groupings as we grew older. Solo or in groups, we've done both. It's constantly in flux. Aside from the fact that we've stayed together through it all, that is.
We've been told we might be mistaken for sisters at first sight since we're so close. Maybe it's because we have dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and unmistakably loud laughter in common.
It is assumed that we are related because of our names when we present ourselves to new people. There are two seasons in August and Summer. It's often believed that our parents had it all planned out. We really met in first grade. Everybody's been there for each other ever since! The fact that we have the same name just enhances our relationship.
Since Summer and I have known one other for such a long time, it's no surprise when we return to school after the summer vacation and she's stressing out over a new guy in our homeroom.
Cole W. Nobody knows his last name, and I know this since I inquired around a few times.
Why are you so happy? She swayed in her chair. I can't wait for her to have more children! Summer, who is a senior in high school, can't help but be excited to meet the new kid.
"Honestly?" A few bangs were moved to the side. Suddenly, the expression on my best friend's face changed to one of intense concentration.
"Actually?" She swiveled around in her chair. Summer selected the desk in front of mine rather the one on my right for some reason.
"Actually." Then I nodded and rolled my eyes as she gasped. My suspicions were confirmed when I realized that no one had even heard her screams for help All of the other students in our homeroom class are either old friends who have moved on or new pals with whom we keep in touch on occasion. So, no one was listening in.
When I heard it, I was shocked. In the end, Summer smacked the arm that had been keeping my head up. Suddenly my hand slid out from beneath me, hitting the desk below. "Whoops." It was a mistake and she apologised.
This is a newcomer." That was all I could do as I shook my head and In that regard, Summer and I are quite different from one another. Her enthusiasm for new pupils much outweighs me. She's also a lot more theatrical than I am.
It sounds like he's very hot. Summer's eyebrows were wagging, which made me laugh out loud. I said, "How much money do you want to bet?"
There is no wager on my part." Then, I shook my head back and forth, grinning. "Remember, I always lose when I place a wager?"
She laughed and flung her head back. "I'm short on cash."
"Were you going to con me?" A scene from "How dare you" came to mind. At one point, I fired daggers at her, and she fell to the ground.
"August, you adore me." As she grinned, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and smiled.
Summer was so eager to see the baby guy that we arrived early. That way we'd know when he arrived. I recommended that he wait until the room is full before showing up so that he is less visible. Summer, on the other hand, didn't like the concept and pulled me here.
I should have bet her that he wouldn't arrive on time at this point, since we've been waiting for nearly 15 minutes. As of right now, children are still pouring in. The majority of the desks are occupied; the only six remaining are the one to my right and five on the far side, where there aren't many people seated at the time of my visit.
It's unclear why. My voice was barely audible, yet it was loud enough for her to hear.
"Rude." Although she had a grin pulling on her lips, she scowled. The moment she turned around to face the entryway, I could see her mouth drop.
Short, dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes denoted the presence of a male - Cole W. His height was the first thing that grabbed my attention. Yes, he is taller than I am, but only by a few inches. "I stand at a height of five-and-eight inches." Summer has the good fortune of being 5'10".
Cole's gaze raced across the room before resting on the desk next to me, where he sat down. He's going to sit next to me out of all the vacant chairs.
It took me a second to stop myself from swearing. That my best friend abhors cursing if there is one thing you should know about her. She can't take it anymore.
My jaw dropped as Summer turned to face me and said, "August!" And it wasn't because I was about to curse. That's because Cole W. was walking over to us on his way over.
Tell him something. " She gave me a snarl. Since he left the doorway, I hadn't even glanced in his direction. As a defense, I didn't know whether or not he would really seat next to me in the back row. Could be he was simply walking about in circles, circling back and forth in a circle.
I knew he was going to take the desk next to me when I heard the chair scrape across the floor. I could imagine Summer giving him a once-over.
Checking him out is a bad idea. As I whispered, I scarcely moved my lips. she understood what I was trying to convey, nevertheless Summer took one final glance at him before she turned her gaze away.
"Fine, but daaang." Her hand cooled her off. It's a good thing he doesn't have a harsh face.
Why are you joking me? They broadened. There he is, literally. I uttered it with clinched jaws.
"So? He must be aware." As the last bell sounded, she casually shrugged and walked back to the front.
Cole's name was announced and I waited patiently. I'm just as curious in his last name as Summer is, and I'm not the only one.
The question is, "August Stellar?" Our instructor rang.
"Here." In the air, I extended my hand. He went on to the next name with a nod.
Are you ready for a summer of fashion? This time it was a nod from the instructor, who waved with her hand.
When did you first hear about Cole Winters?" Cole looked up from his pathetic effort to hide his phone beneath his desk when I caught him.
"Here." His speech was smooth and sounded like it had been practiced. There were about 25 kids in the room, and about half of them turned around to see who was seated in the back. Some of the females lingered for longer than necessary, staring at him. Once they turned around, I may have given them each a little glare.
With the teacher's permission, we were given 20 minutes to speak to each other in order to get the chatter out of our systems. Summer turned to face me with a wicked grin on her face as soon as she saw me.
"What?" I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
Were you unaware of it? The way she stared at me made me believe I should know what she's thinking and/or planning.
"What?" Again, I inquired. It's a mystery. That's why I selected my words with care. The fact that we're talking about Cole standing alongside him doesn't matter.
"Yes, that's the one." "Don't you get it?" Summer poked me in the ribs.
That's a lie. As usual, I burst out laughing. Cole took notice for a brief moment. It didn't take long for him to go back on his phone and start texting.
"Summer." She pointed to her own face. "August." She was pointing at me. As well as winter. She dropped her voice and looked at him with a smirk on her face.
"What do you mean?" I let out a sigh and pushed my bangs aside.
It is impossible for me to say. It was almost a snort when Summer said, "I thought it was cool."
And yet, it isn't his real name! I didn't remember to whisper while I was trying to get my words
There is no doubt in my mind that naming it will be no issue. "By a new name," she said, pausing to choose her words carefully. We both laughed out loud. "Are you following me?"
No, we have no idea... It worked for me. No one would use appropriate pronouns to describe him while he was sitting right there, as long as he was still sitting there.
This is not an issue. Summer winked at me as she spoke. I'm Summer, by the way. Suddenly, she was engrossed in Cole's gaze. When he saw her, he looked up from his phone. Before he could say anything, he put his phone back in his pocket.
"Cole." In addition to a modest wave, he grinned.
Who are you? It was too late, she said as she twisted a strand of her hair. Why, "Winter" is a faker.
That's not going to happen! When it came to acting startled, she was excellent. Weird, right?
When asked, "What is it?" It seemed as though Cole was pleased by her antics.
You are Cole Winters, and she is August. My eyes were suddenly fixed on me.
"Hey." I chuckled, beaming at him, and he returned the gesture with a giggle
Hi." He said again while laughing.
'Can I call you Winters?' I inquired. Summer's question came out of nowhere. Just after our pleasantries, Cole and I were smiling and gazing at each other for a few seconds.
"Don't ask him that," I wanted to tell her, but she was too far away. Then I snarled at her, yelling at her to get
Too late, as they say in the industry. She shook her head and grinned. In silence, Cole observed the whole spectacle.
"She's free to ask me that." He broke us out of our tense situation. My friend Summer and I both shifted our focus to him. "as well as a nickname of "Winters" We think it's a better match for you guys." He was smirking at us.
When I looked across to Summer, I couldn't help but see the expression of sheer joy in her eyes. Because I knew her so well, I could tell that she was working on something.
"Awesome!" 'Winters' is a nice name,' she said.
In addition, once Summer makes a decision, there is no going back.
You have a crush on him. In the middle of the mall, Summer pushed me as we were chatting about Cole.
"No, he's just nice," I said, shaking my head.
But when you marry, I'm going to say, 'I told you so,'" she said, putting her hands up in defense.
People looked at us as we walked through the shops, groaning. Summer has been at school for two weeks and has already complained about running out of clothing. In my role as her closest friend, I joined her on her excursion to the mall to give her wardrobe tips.
I had no idea she was going to intervene on Cole Winters' behalf. When we have courses together, the three of us hang around and talk. When it comes time for lunch, he sits with a bunch of geeky men. Obviously, this upsets Summer, but I don't mind who he sits with.
Although he's constantly smiling and sometimes looking my way throughout class, I think these are simply friendly gestures. Despite the childishness of the statement, Summer believes that he likes me.
What a lovely couple you two would make!" As the summer went on, it teased me more. "The winters and the months of August? It works."
Then why not go after him? As I sat in the food court, I let out a disappointed groan.
Then he says, "He's not my type." She brushed it aside. As well, he is shorter than I am. Summer tossed her hair casually over her shoulder, just as she always does. We were surrounded by men who were all beaming at us. Honestly, that made me uncomfortable. Is it true that you like him or not?
I'd say so, as a buddy. As I muttered, I hoped she wouldn't push the issue any more on my behalf.
"Is there anything more you want to add?" As her eyebrows wiggled, she said, I leaned across the table and slapped her arm again, groaning once more as I did.
Stay out of my way.
What the hell is going on? Summer almost screamed. Is it true that you like him a lot?
summer: "I told you to leave me alone"
It's almost August. 'You adore him,' she said loudly, laughing.
That's not true! I shook my head furiously. To be honest, I've developed a soft spot for Cole over the last several months. I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
But you certainly have a crush on this guy." Summer looked at me with a knowing gaze. What the hell is going on with you?
My hands went to my cheeks to feel the scalding heat. The truth is, I'm not blushing. It's something I've only done a few of times. To date, I can count on one hand the number of times I have blushed.
'Put it down!' I let my head to strike the table. What a shambles. It's impossible to appreciate 'Winters,' as Summer refers to him still." A tree in which August and Winters are seated K-i-s-s-i- " Suddenly, Summer's singing had stopped.
As a last resort, "Let's at least go out together." In the distance, Cole's tone could be clearly heard. There were widening stares from each of us as we stared at the table. My breath caught as Summer opened her mouth. 4
Hi, Winters. Thanks for stopping by. As much as possible, she attempted to ignore what had just occurred. Nothing changed.
August and I kissed? What's going on here? He chuckled as he stood next to us at the table. In the end, I chose to look up.
"I was simply having a little fun." Summer brushed it aside as though it were no big deal.
There is a lot of fun to be had. Cole's smile melted my heart once again. How about a seat? It was him who pointed out the vacant seat next to me. A short drink of water helped me calm down.
I was grateful for anything that took us away from the kissing song. Summer and he had a good time joking around. Although I tried not to laugh because of my loud laugh, Cole made me laugh just as much.
To go to the restroom, I'm going. Before she left, Summer gave me a wink. I received a text message a few moments later. Her message was a request for me to join her on an excursion with Winters. She's been preparing to leave me all along!
"How is school going for you?" First thing that sprang to mind was a simple question.
"It's really quite cool. Summer and the guys I hang out with have helped me make a lot of friends." Almost immediately, my heart slowed down. It's possible he doesn't consider me a friend. It's probably because I don't talk as much as Summer does. Wie i've already stated, she's more interested in new kids.
Hearing that Summer is considered a friend of his, but I'm not, made me feel a little offended Summer believes that he must like her, not her. That would be the most logical thing to do.
"That's great." So I faked it. Assuming, of course, he didn't catch on.
His grin returned. "Yeah," He said, "and I've found a new buddy, and I'm hopeful our connection will blossom into something more."
Who are your "best buddies?" I made him laugh with my smile. My chair shook as he laughed next to me.
Yes, in a sense. Cole grinned at me once again and said, "I'm hoping to date this guy." When I looked into his eyes, I saw the same guy.
"Cole..." I was unable to speak. It's possible that I'm misreading it. Ignore it. I turned aside.
His grip tightened around my wrist and said, "I love you, August." When I looked at him, I didn't want to look at him. "What you see with your eyes, how you smile, and how you laugh. Despite being quiet, you can be loud as heck during the summer and I adore that about you."
"Summer is constantly around." eventually met his gaze with a chuckle.
This is the time to let go. Cole made a laugh. His grip on my arm seemed natural. "Will you join me on a night out?"
'It would be wrong of me to say no.' My voice was soft, yet clear.
Does this mean I'll receive a hug now? Cole squeezed my hand and made a joke.
Our first date has yet to take place. I smirked and kissed his cheek. You'll be OK till then, I assure you."
"What do you think?" His body leaned in closer to mine. His lips just touched mine before he backed away. He was making fun of me.
"It's not enough." So I muttered and gave in. His lips brushed mine as he drew me in closer. But I enjoyed every second of the kiss because of how delicate, innocent, and brief it was." A tree in which August and Winters are seated K-i-s-s-i-n-g. Love comes first, and then-" Upon her return from the bathroom, Summer's voice was filled with song. By slapping her arm, I halted her before she completed her song. 1
Just keep your mouth shut. When I felt Cole's hand still gripping mine beneath the table, I moaned.
From the outset, I've wanted to bring you all together. As the three of us rose from the table, she murmured something to us. At the wedding, you'll be able to thank me."
Were you thinking about a wedding?" Cole's eyes widened as he stared at Summer in astonishment.
There's just you and August's left. " When she saw us, she shrugged as if it was nothing out of the ordinary, before almost skipping away from us. Seeing Cole's expression was priceless.
Like when I chased summer out of the mall.
You can't beat a good buddy, can you?
